Contributing to the UI template

Last Update : 14 August, 2023 | Published : 01 July, 2023 | 1 Min Read

Since this template is for internal usage, we can always try and add things that you think might be a useful addition to the existing UI template. How can you do that?

Step 1: First you’ll have to get access to the GitHub repo - you need permissions to access the repo without permissions you won’t be able to see the name of the template repo.

Step 2: Clone the ui-templates-common-repo to your local.

Step 3: Once your clone is complete you should be able to see intelops-common-ui in the node modules.

Step 4: Do npm install to get he latest package into the node_modules. You need to check the file structure and try to make your components in the same structure. This will help maintain the consistency of the code.

Step 5: Create your component - you can also follow the sample Creating your own components.

Note: Always try to create re-usable react components that is try not to hard code anything.

Step 6: Now that you have your component ready - raise a PR to the develop branch of ui-templates-common-repo.

Once your code is reviewed by the admin - they’ll merge it into the branch.

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